Monday 25 July 2011

The end of Harry Potter

Just watch Harry Potter and the deathly hallows (part 2) with Amie today. Great movie anyway!!! i LOVE the scene at the railway station that Harry, Hermione and Ron have their own kids (after 19 years), and where they sending their kids to Hogwarts. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...................

Wow time goes past so fast, and Harry Potter had come till the end. I am quite a big fans of HARRY POTTER movies. I start watching it since year 2001. And watching harry, ron and hermione grown up from a kids to a mature adult, well i'm growing up as well. Is really really sad Harry Potter ended this way and is over. :('' Man, I really love this movie !!!

Hermione, Harry and Ron 

Sunday 24 July 2011

NEW study desk!!!

Finally, i have my own new study desk!!! brought it at THE WAREHOUSE, only for 69 bucks (Paid by myself). So happy, no need to do homework and study at living room anymore, and this new desk really fits my small room ^^
p/s : Sorry, what a mess desk!!!

Saturday 2 July 2011


把你捧在手上  虔诚地焚香

剪下一段烛光  将经纶点亮   

不求荡气回肠  只求爱一场   

爱到最后受了伤  哭得好绝望   




让我能安心在菩提下  静静的观想   

把你放在心上  合起了手掌   

默默乞求上苍  指引我方向   

不求地久天长  只求在身旁   

累了醉倒温柔乡  轻轻地梵唱   

我用尽一生一世来  将你供养   



让我能安心在菩提下  静静的观想   





Sunday 29 May 2011

everyday is the same!!!

why why why??? sometimes i really hate why i come to New Zealand.This totally fucking boring place!!! No i shouldn't blame this place.i should blame myself doesn't know how to drive!!! If i know how to drive, i can go anywhere.i SHOULD go have a driving test now.

Bck to my topic...
Everyday i do the same thing.GUESS WAT???? brush my teeth -> take a bath ->breakfast -> dress up ready to went out -> take a bus to campus -> lecture -> having lunch with friends -> stay at library doing my work -> abt 4pm, take a bus went home
Back at home -> shower again -> helping mum prepare for dinner -> washing dish -> around 8pm, revision again -> at 10.30pm, GOOD NIGHT =D
Saturday -> help my mum working, finish around 3pm -> go market -> stay at home
Sunday: church -> outing for lunch -> stay at home for whole day!!!
plus plus on facebook, twitter, youtube and listen to music

Every day and month, i am doing the same things again and again. Even now i wont get lost at Queen St, Auckland city.Cuz every day i walking up and down at this street, and i know how many shop and the name of the shop!!! Jeeeezzzzzzzzz........

Thursday 26 May 2011

the first blog

This is the first blog i has ever created. anyway, just want to siad "HELLO" to everyone, 请多多指教,小的一定会照办的, thank you.

Happy blogging.Have fun!!!